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March, 9-29, 2002
6 pupils and 3 teachers from Des Moines Central Academy School will visit our school on ecological project for 20 days.They will test water in the Dnieper and Vilchanka Rivers,they"ll visit "Vodocanal" (water suppling Center),Chemical Fibre Plant,go on excursions to Kanev,Chigirin,Korsun,Kiev. You are WELCOME Allie Rockwell,Lindsey Davis,Lauren Daumuller,Austin Baeth,Linsey Purdy,Alex Tadge аnd teachers Susan Stroop,Jerry and Lorraine Farrell. A group of students and teachers of our school took part in the exchange program October 5 through October 26. During three weeks we've learned how to make tests of water in different places of Iowa. We observed lessons, went to museums and science centres. A visit to the zoo in Omaha, Nebraska state was one of the most interesting. We were taken to Des Moines water works, water treatement plant and visited University Campus in Ames. All children liked the trip to Springbrook, where there is a wonderful Science Center. Two students of our school took part in the conference of "The World Food Prize". Both of them got certificates. We shall never forget our visit to the Capitol of Des Moines, where we were given the State Flag which hang on the Capitol in June. Adults and students from both sides worked like one team. In March, 2002 our specialized school will host students and teachers from the USA. We will have time to think how to make their visit to Ukraine informative and interesting. We took a decision to create a center of friendship "Cherkasy-Des Moines" at school. Local authorities and our American partners support the idea. We plan to open the centre on the 15 of January 2002. You are welcome with new ideas. Reports:
I was extremely glad to have an opportunity to visit the Water Treatment Plant built to purify water
delivered to the dwellings. Using up-to-date scientific laboratory with highly qualified staff, the largest emergency diesel generator,
computers, and wish to improve water quality they do a great job helping people not to be afraid to drink water right from the tap. I didn't
suspect that they had been using such an amount of purification cycles. Another plant (Environmental Management Corporation) the Midwest's largest
independent operator of waste water, water, and public works system manages to clean water from the dwellings and then dumps it in the river. By the way,
the fact that the water purified by that system is ten times cleaner than the water of river shows the great potential of that system. The EMC indeed provides
specialized operations, maintenance, and management services for municipal and industrial facilities, offers single-source design-build-operate services.
Who could even imagine that they would use pumpkin waste in producing fertilizers for the farmlands? So, to put in a nutshell, I'd like to quote Mike McKee,
EMC President/ COO, 'At EMC, your environmental concerns are the reason we're in business'.
Being greatly interested in Iowa's affairs and events round the world, I wanted to visit the source of all information delivered to the Iowans.
I was shocked by some facts of the Des Moines Register, the main daily newspaper that was published as The Iowa Star on July 26, 1849. They are:
I was greatly impressed by the Iowa State University Ag 450 Farm, initiated by Dr. William Murray, Professor of
Economics at Iowa State, in early 1938 to develop the idea of students actually managing a real farm while attending classes. Presently,
the students manage approximately 1000 acres using a combination of various ownership and leasing arrangement. They deal with 1600 pigs.
Having wide variety of mechanisms they manage to get benefits from their work, unlike Ukrainian farms.
The biotechnology is becoming an important tool that can improve our quality of life in many ways, both now and in the
future- from life-saving medicines to more nutritious food. This idea has been caught up by Pioneer Hi-Bread Incorporation. It's really reached high
results in increasing the yields of the most important agricultural crops-corn and soybeans by implementing the gene that struggles with the warm, that destroys
stems of the plants. This corporation has joint ventures in about 70 countries.
Another event of great significance had happened with me during my stay in Iowa. I even can't express how honored I was being present at the occasion
of the 15-th Anniversary of the Founding of the World Food Prize in honor of Nobel Peace Laureate Norman Borlaug. I was given an opportunity to present my work on the theme "Can the World Be Fed in the 21-st Century?" It was important for me to work out the strategy that will lead out from the black power of the world- famine. The key- findings are:
Each country can't exist without the executives. Iowa State Capitol is the seat of Iowa state Government. The 23-karat golden dome towering above Des Moines is a
favorite for sightseers. We saw an ornate decor featuring original paintings, mosaic panels, stenciling restoration, dolls depicting Iowa's first ladies, a scale model of USS Iowa and
war flags. The capitol houses government entities, including the Senate & House of chambers, the governor's and lieutenant governor's offices, as well as offices for other officials.
But my stay wouldn't be so unforgettable if I didn't meet new reliable friends. Thousands of miles between the continents aren't able to separate open- hearted,
patient, kind people who have become good friends with all Cherkasy's exchange students. I'm grateful for all their efforts that created friendly atmosphere during our stay. I could
hardly forget a moment spent with them. Now I'm looking forward to hosting Americans in March.
To cut a long story short, I'm grateful to the US government for this program that showed me that there are ways to solve environmental problems. People of different
countries have to unite their efforts in solving them. It's the task of my generation to be well informed about environmental problems and share our knowledge with other people.
I have a hope that this program will be continued by plenty of boys and girls greatly interested in solving nature problems and overcoming difficulties.
America was a great dream for me. I never expected to go to this highly developed and wonderful country. But I participated in the project
"Water Quality" and got the oppotunity to go to the United States.
As for me, I liked everything we did during our stay in the United
States of America. We made tests of water, saw purification systems of water in Des Moines. Also we saw agricultural farms and fields. Most of all
I liked to do tests of water. The chemical and biological tests showed that
water in Des Moines was very good. It would be interesting to compare
Iowa's water to water from the Dnipro River. I was impressed when I saw
the purification systems of water in Des Moines. They were covered and
the quality of water was much more better then in Cherkasy. Our government
tries to substitute old purification systems for new and better purification systems.
I'd like to say some word about the agriculture in Chercasy region. Of course our farmers do not grow as much corn,as in Iowa.But they also have pig-farms in Iowa. Also the pigs, which were only one month old looked like the
pigs, which were three months old in Ukraine.
There are several big chemical plants in Cherkassy, because chemical industry is the most developed industry in our town.
There are no similar plants in Des Moines. That's why the environment is not so polluted in this american city.
Also I was very impressed, when I didn't see so many people on the street in Des Moines as in Cherkassy.
The streets were very clean in Des Moines. I think it is, because there were no people outside, only cars. Also the roads were
not damaged in this american city.
There are many environmental problems in our country, and project "Water Quality" helped me to analyse them. This project is very useful, because it halps to:
Thank you
I was very glad to participate in the project "Water Quality" in the USA, in Iowa.
Now I know a lot about ecological problems in Iowa, especially about problems connected with water treatment.
When we arrived to Iowa we visited different places of interest. My greatest impressions were connected with the
State Capitol.We were told that the State Capitol Building, completed in 1886,is the sixth capitol in Iowa, the third since becoming a state,
and the second to be built in Des Moines. For more than a century, the golden dome of State Capitol has been a symbol of Iowa government and politics.
I was also impressed by Capitol's interior that includes different types and colors of marble,works of art and carvings in both wood and stone.
We also visited some farms in Des Moines. As you know Iowa is one of the greatest farming states in the country. It was interesting to
know how people in Iowa grow corn, soybeans and different speciality crops. On this farm we attended special class. It was very interesting. At this class
I got acquainted with some real world experience and information about farming in Iowa.
I went to the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo. It was just amazing!!! I never saw animals like that before. I was impressed by Lied jungle, by it's
huge size and beauty!
When we visited "The Des Moines Register" I liked everything! I mean, as for me, it was interesting to know about printing the newspaper, about journalists and
their articles. The Register covers the entire state of Iowa. I was told that the Register has earned 15 Pulitzer Prizes for excellence in reporting, editorial cartoons and photography.
It is no wonder, because the Register plays an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of Iowa about current events.
Also we took part in the program "IOWATER". So we went to the stream and made different tests, for example, we measured water, temperature, transparency, stream velocity, pH,
dissolved Oxygen and Phosphates in the stream. We were like real scientists. I tried to find different organisms in the water such as caddisfly, mayfly, stonefly, snails, beetles and many others.
As for me, it was very interesting to do all this things. Now I understand the importance of knowledge about water quality,because water is the main source of life on the Planet. So, if water quality is
bad, it can cause a lot of diseases. Then not only animals that live in this water can die, but all the people who drink this water. So we must think about water treatment now, because it can be too late.
I saw people who work in this program and I saw how they love their jobs. I respect these people for their courage and faithfulness.
We visited water treatment plant. There we were told about how water becomes cleaner before we use it.They told us about different technologies and machines they use to improve water
quality.I was impressed by numerous variety of machines and filters in the plant.I think it is good,that nowadays you can find people that still think about water quality and they spend their money on it!
I visited Springbrook conservation education center. There we made a lot of activities such as shooting sports, bird banding and orienteering. Springbrook is the place where you can stay all
your life! It truly offers "something for everyone!" And it is true, ou can do everything you want! You can go swimming or boating, fishing or hiking.
The most interesting event that happened during my staying in the USA was "The World Food Prize". I went to the world premiere and 15th anniversary celebration. It was a big honor for me to hear the speech of Norman
Borlaug-a most famous person in the world.
I liked "Symphony to the Prairie Farm" composed by Steve Heitzeg!
Besides, we visited Environmental Management Corporation. There we were told that support for biosolids recycling is based on extensive, scientific research that has established the environmental safety and agricultural value of
recycled biosolids. I understood an important thing that we can use some things twice. I mean we can use recycling. For example, land application of treated wastewater solids is recycling in its simplest form.
And at the end I want to add that I had a lucky chance to visit the USA and
I learned a lot of useful information that I can use in my future life.I appreciate people who helped me in this project .And I want to express my gratitude to the host family in Iowa!!!
Since I have started studying, better to say have become interested, in environment,
I have been delighted with nature, her laws and regularities. "How does this huge mechanism work so well?"
- many times I have asked myself. Variety of recourses, regularly working biosystems and different organisms
- someone creates these all. By whom? May be nobody will answer this question. Inexhaustible oceans, great quantity
of ground - some does not think that it can be polluted or used up. Somebody has thought about it:, not so early as
we wish, but it is good too.
My trip to Iowa has proved me, that people in the USA works and inserts great forces and financial
in research works, in improving of agriculture very actively; they have already delivered themselves before fact: "We
must not only use resources, but take care of them too." After I have seen several organizations and have listened to
some lections, I realized very clear: "The problem is supplied and is solving very actively." This makes me to think and
to decide: I must co-operate with experts in Iowa, applying all forces. I want to say that in all people, which I have met,
I have seen like-minded, real experts of different fields and (that is the main) people, who has given themselves in victim
to the deal, which I would like to devote the whole life.
I have come to know with problems of water pollution in Iowa, have got known about resources of water, nave
been impressed by the fact that average Iowan uses about 150 gallons of water each day. The last statement has made me to think
about my family, Cherkasy citizens and myself, and to decide that I have to get known and tell everybody about how many water is
used by themselves each day and make them to think about this number. All these water is cleaned and takes part in water circle.
It's easy to see that taking place a degrading of water quality - pollution. I was impressed by fact, that people, who works on
water monitoring does not try to find the source of pollution (this is not for them) to say: "These are farmers - they are bad",
but tries to disclose pollution and to let people pay attention on it to start cleaning process as earlier as it is possible. They
do not say unsoundly: "We must close the factory - this is the guilty of pollution", instead this they act. They have shown us, and
we have been studying and helping them, how can we test water on very high level, with helping of easy equipment. These tests can do
everybody who wants. Remarkable! It would not be bad to have such organizations in Cherkasy. We will try to create it. I am sure, that
besides tests, which participants of this project and I will hold directly, we will carry attention of wide circle of Cherkasy inhabitants.
One of the common terms of Iowa and Cherkaschina is in their agricultural slope. Such agricultural plants as corn, barley, wheat,
sunflower cover a lot of territories of Cherkasy region. In regional centers different kinds of farms are situated. The main agricultural animals are
pigs and cows, so these farms have milk-meat directions. Bird's and sheep's growing is practiced widespread too. The majority of people grow cows, pigs
and different agricultural birds (ducks, chickens) in the countryside. I was interested to find some differences and commons between agriculture of Iowa
and Cherkaschina. I wanted to gather some knowledge, to get experience of working of foreign farms. I have done it due to a tour of Iowa State University
farms. Approaching to the farm I have paid attention on huge fields of corn and techniques, which were working on the fields: the season of gathering harvest
has already started. The first thing that I was impressed by is agricultural technique: combines, tractors; mounting that was drying corn. When I was listening
to a plan of rebuilding of room for newborn pigs and their moms, I realized that they worry of them and take care of them. I was impressed by cutted off tales,
but, after I was told about aim of it, I decided, that it would be good for my native land farms to make the same. It was very interesting to observe, how pigs
(as I was explained, which were accustomed earlier) opened "doors" of their thoughts by themselves. I think that it has been devised very cleverly: the same fodder,
but under defense. Now I can say clearly, what farms in Iowa have and in Cherkaschina farms do not: constantly people are in search of something new in Iowa. Something,
that allows developing agriculture, gives use to people, develops infrastructure of the country at the last end. It is compelling me to think: " It would be good to have
people with new ideas in Cherkasy.
I always think, that freedom of the word, is the most important index of level of democratic society. Scandal about journalist Georgiy Gongadze has taken
place in Ukraine. The man has been killed. Who has done it? - will be a mystery forever. Is the president Leonid Kuchma connected with this violence or no? - nobody can answer
this question. I wondered to watch on the work of editorial staff of "The Des-Moines Register", especially, how is this newspaper printed. I have seen that they can write everything
(forbidden topics do not exist), but they must write only truth. I was pleasantly surprised that letters of readers can be printed in "The Des Moines Register" too. The newspaper has
its own Web-site. Unfortunately not all-periodical editions in Cherkasy region have the same. Editorial staff is rigged up with computers that are really important for their effective
work. I want to say that I was impressed by the variety of equipment most of all. They have so expensive tools, in spite of they do not take money from government (what is not common in
Cherkasy. "The Des Moines Register" works by itself - without depending of somebody: neither financial nor in some other way. Even after a short acquaintance, I have understood that real
experts of their fields work here. It is also clear if we think of how newspaper developed since the 26th of July 1849, when it appeared at the first time under name "The Iowa Star". Then
I was on the factory, where this newspaper is printed: I was impressed by it most of all. The newest technique, great quantity of professional employees - this all creates the biggest newspaper
of Iowa "The Des Moines Register".
As I have said earlier, all water, which is used by humanity takes part in water circle. So, it must be cleaned in a proper way. Three main sources of water in Des Moines are the
Des Moines River, the Raccoon River and underground flow. I have seen the system of water cleaning and I was impressed by high level of security most of all, because in case of damaging of central
electricity system, they can use an enormous generator to help to support working on the organization. It would be good to have such powerful cleaning plants in Cherkasy region. I was impressed by
quantity of financial, which are used for researching work and for annihilation of its defects. The Iowans are right, because they try to destroy problem at the beginning, not to liquidate consequences
(for example poising by water) after people has staffed from it. I have got acquaintance with "Environmental Management Corporation". I have understood: "Here is a golden idea. People make income from
nothing (from wastes). I'd like to organize something like this in Cherkasy. They develop agriculture and help farmers. The main that I have clearly realized: "Wastes for one person are not the same for
another one". They use even wastes of pumpkins to make fertilizers! Genuinely! Thanks to them I have got a great idea, which I hope I shall try in future.
Pioneer the first. As for me this organization confirms its name. They have chosen to go by intensive way of developing of agriculture. We see clever ideas again! They co-operate
with plenty of countries in the world, deposit huge financial in researching works and these are recompensed them by improving of harvest. Organization has high-quality computer network. Due to it, they have
connection with all people, who co-operate with them in all countries. Employees not only worry about improvement of quality and quantity of harvest but also help farmers to sell their products (in such way they
fasten agricultural infrastructure). This organization works for people. Not for something but for humanity. For this reason (taking care of humanity) I'd like to co-operate with this Iowa's organization.
I am very glad that I have visited Des-Moines. Iowa-Cherkaschina exchange program has helped me to get new ideas in the field I have chosen. During my visits to the organizations that are working
on the water treatment, improving agriculture, I have noticed those peculiarities, which can be successfully introduced in Cherkasy region agriculture. Visiting "The Des Moines Register", I have seen well-developed
industry and have got known about some new technologies of printing newspapers. At last, after listening to lectures about Iowa government and watching of The Iowa Capitol, I have got knowledge about Iowa's political system.
I'm sure, that if Iowa and Cherkachina co-operate, both sides will get valuable ideas, which will help theirs developing. I shall devote all possible time to this cooperation.
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